4 drawers, 1 countertop with one cut-out or two cut-outs, drawer beneath basin including cut-out for siphon and siphon cover, for 1 or 2 vanity basin(s)
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Space saving siphon # 005073 is recommended, Required specification for ordering:, - L/R/B = washbasin left, right or on both sides possible
2 drawers, upper drawer including cut-out for siphon and siphon cover, countertop including one cut-out, for 1 undercounter basin f-bonded, central
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Space saving siphon # 005073 is recommended, For undercounter basin f-bonded, price includes the assembly of the washbasin on the vanity unit, Required specification for ordering:
2 drawers, upper drawer including cut-out for siphon and siphon cover, countertop including one cut-out, for 1 undercounter basin f-bonded, central
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Additional information
Space saving siphon # 005073 is recommended, For undercounter basin f-bonded, price includes the assembly of the washbasin on the vanity unit, Required specification for ordering:
2 drawers, upper drawer including cut-out for siphon and siphon cover, countertop including one cut-out, for 1 undercounter basin f-bonded, central
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Additional information
Space saving siphon # 005073 is recommended, For undercounter basin f-bonded, price includes the assembly of the washbasin on the vanity unit, Required specification for ordering:
4 drawers, drawer beneath basin including cut-out for siphon and siphon cover, for 1 undercounter basin f-bonded
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Additional information
Space saving siphon # 005073 is recommended, For undercounter basin f-bonded, price includes the assembly of the washbasin on the vanity unit, Required specification for ordering:, - L/R = Washbasin left or right possible
4 drawers, drawer beneath basin including cut-out for siphon and siphon cover, for 2 undercounter basins f-bonded
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Additional information
Space saving siphon # 005073 is recommended, For undercounter basin f-bonded, price includes the assembly of the washbasin on the vanity unit, Required specification for ordering:, - B = basin on both sides