Console not included in delivery, please order separately, Please keep 2 mm space to the wall, Interior modules can not be retrofitted are factory installed and must be requested upon ordering, Required specification for ordering:, - interior system yes / no, - walnut 77 or maple 78
1 console with two cut-outs, Width min. see ordering information, Width max 2000 mm, edges: (85) White High Gloss, inlaying plate possible in all PuraVida colors, for niche, price per section of 100 mm, basic price till 800 mm
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Additional information
- Vanity units have to be flush left side respectively right side with the console, - Vanity units are not mountable together, Required specification for ordering:, - overall width, - colour shelf, - dimension between axes from left side, - number and position of floor cabinets, - number and position of console supports
1 console with two cut-outs, inlaying plate possible in all PuraVida colors, edges: (85) White High Gloss, for corner left / right, price per section of 100 mm, basic price till 800 mm
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Additional information
- Vanity units have to be flush left side respectively right side with the console, - Vanity units are not mountable together, Required specification for ordering:, - overall width, - colour shelf, - dimension between axes from left side, - number and position of floor cabinets, - number and position of console supports